Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Letter to Twins

Dear Cadance and Callie:

I want to tell you:

On November 12th, in the year of our Lord two thousand and ten, I welcome you to your world. I am blessed to know your Great-Grandmother, Jean. I want to tell you this day that you are blessed to be a descendant of a very special woman. I hope some day she will write her story. She is a wonderful storyteller and her story is for her to write as only she can.

I want to tell you, your Great-Grandmother, was a friend of my Mother-In-Law and through that relationship, I’ve come to know her. She is one of the most spiritually faithful women I know. She has a fun, animated personality that draws you into her life and leaves you feeling blessed to have made her acquaintance. I want to tell you that your grandmother, Sherrie, and your Great-Grandmother Jean were present at your birth. This is a treasure beyond your full understanding at this time but realize there were four generations of amazing women in one room on the day you were born. I want to tell you God is good. I want to tell you that your Great-Grandmother has had more than her share of hardships but she has never faltered on her faith in Christ. It is her strength; her character and her faith that I hope you take, cherish and carry with you all your days. I want to tell you, you are loved. I want to tell you to be kind to your enemies it will drive them crazy. I want to tell you to stand up for yourself, and more importantly, stand up for someone that needs a friend. I want to tell you to have fun, to be strong, to laugh, to dance, to cry, to love.

I want to tell you to remember your Great-Grandmother; she is the one that asked me to make your baby quilts and I made them with love for you and respect for the long line of women who came before you.

With Love,

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Homespun ornaments

Unexpectedly, I am spending my Holidays in West Tennessee. All of my normal Holiday decorations are in Florida this year so I've decided to borrow a few ornaments and make the rest.

When we moved into this house there was a Christmas tree, in a box, in the back room. I decided to keep it, that was about 5 years ago. A few days back, I opened the box for the first. I found a nice little four foot tree in perfect condition. Up it went on top of a blanket chest, centered nicely in the front window for the World (well for the residents of this small town) to see.

I strung it with lights and a few glass balls that I borrowed from next door. My Sister In Law recently visited here from St. Louis, so we bought a few bags of cranberries and her and I got busy stringing them up for my tree and some for her own tree. Then, I borrowed a dehydrator, sliced up some apples and oranges and in two days I had some nice dried ornaments. Finally, I strung up some stale popcorn (must be stale otherwise they will just crumble as you string them up.

Over the next few days, if I get time, I'll string up some more popcorn and I may get in my fabric stash and make a few primitive inspired ornaments to round out the whole Tree.

May you all have a blessed Holiday season.

About Me

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I am a southern woman with a country heart. I am fortunate to live in West Tennessee during the Summer months and South Florida in the Winter. My heart is in the simple life of country living. I look forward to Spring each year when I can return to cotton farming country of West Tennessee. My hobby and passion is sewing, quilting and creating art in pencil, ink and watercolor.