Dear Cadance and Callie:
I want to tell you:
On November 12th, in the year of our Lord two thousand and ten, I welcome you to your world. I am blessed to know your Great-Grandmother, Jean. I want to tell you this day that you are blessed to be a descendant of a very special woman. I hope some day she will write her story. She is a wonderful storyteller and her story is for her to write as only she can.
I want to tell you, your Great-Grandmother, was a friend of my Mother-In-Law and through that relationship, I’ve come to know her. She is one of the most spiritually faithful women I know. She has a fun, animated personality that draws you into her life and leaves you feeling blessed to have made her acquaintance. I want to tell you that your grandmother, Sherrie, and your Great-Grandmother Jean were present at your birth. This is a treasure beyond your full understanding at this time but realize there were four generations of amazing women in one room on the day you were born. I want to tell you God is good. I want to tell you that your Great-Grandmother has had more than her share of hardships but she has never faltered on her faith in Christ. It is her strength; her character and her faith that I hope you take, cherish and carry with you all your days. I want to tell you, you are loved. I want to tell you to be kind to your enemies it will drive them crazy. I want to tell you to stand up for yourself, and more importantly, stand up for someone that needs a friend. I want to tell you to have fun, to be strong, to laugh, to dance, to cry, to love.
I want to tell you to remember your Great-Grandmother; she is the one that asked me to make your baby quilts and I made them with love for you and respect for the long line of women who came before you.
With Love,
Sweet! Love the quilts, and congratulations!