Unexpectedly, I am spending my Holidays in West Tennessee. All of my normal Holiday decorations are in Florida this year so I've decided to borrow a few ornaments and make the rest.
When we moved into this house there was a Christmas tree, in a box, in the back room. I decided to keep it, that was about 5 years ago. A few days back, I opened the box for the first. I found a nice little four foot tree in perfect condition. Up it went on top of a blanket chest, centered nicely in the front window for the World (well for the residents of this small town) to see.
I strung it with lights and a few glass balls that I borrowed from next door. My Sister In Law recently visited here from St. Louis, so we bought a few bags of cranberries and her and I got busy stringing them up for my tree and some for her own tree. Then, I borrowed a dehydrator, sliced up some apples and oranges and in two days I had some nice dried ornaments. Finally, I strung up some stale popcorn (must be stale otherwise they will just crumble as you string them up.
Over the next few days, if I get time, I'll string up some more popcorn and I may get in my fabric stash and make a few primitive inspired ornaments to round out the whole Tree.
May you all have a blessed Holiday season.
Those looks so great! I love homemade ornaments, and hope to make some of our own. Too bad I don't have the dehydrator machine.....I will figure out something. :) Have a great day, dear friend!