Thursday, January 14, 2010

Coconut Caper

The deep freeze has killed my little coconut palm tree. My husband had found a sprouted coconut at the river's edge and planted it in our yard about three years ago. It had done really well until the recent freeze. I am reminded of one of my trips to Key West. I am sure the Statute of Limitations is far past in the type of crime I am about to confess, so I shall proceed to unlighten my heavy burden. We were driving along the main Key West roadway and I spotted the largest coconut I'd ever seen. It rested peacefully beneath a coconut tree right smack in front of the main entrance to a Motel. I knew it wasn't mine to take but, I had to have that coconut. I begged my Husband to get it for me and he refused. He finally agreed to drive the getaway car. So with nerves of steel, we drove slowly and as close as possibly to the object of our endeavors. Suddenly, I threw open the car door, I felt my legs carrying me accross the perfectly mancured lawn in pursuit of my treasure. I spotted it, bent over and yep grabbed it. Without delay, I ran swiftly back to the car where I slamed the door and yelled GO! and we were off like the wind. Two bandits joyfully escaping with our treasure. Yes, I stole a coconut. This incident is now known as the Great Coconut Caper. I still have the coconut.


  1. You should be in jail and I'm going to tell. I can't believe I have a criminal for a sister.

    The Great Coconut Caper. LOL

  2. What a comedy team! You never told me all this tainted past....I wonder what will be next?


About Me

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I am a southern woman with a country heart. I am fortunate to live in West Tennessee during the Summer months and South Florida in the Winter. My heart is in the simple life of country living. I look forward to Spring each year when I can return to cotton farming country of West Tennessee. My hobby and passion is sewing, quilting and creating art in pencil, ink and watercolor.